Quickstart Guide

(from “ README.md ” in github repo)


This ROS package and associated GUI make use of the 6-axis force/torque sensor on the Universal Robot e-series to apply complex loads to things. We can essentially perform tests similar to an Instron Uniaxial Testing machine, but in all axis.


  1. Set up your robot arm for use with the Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver.

    • Clone the package to the src folder of your catkin workspace

    • Follow instructions in the ur_robot_driver/doc folder. to set up the URCap on the robot

  2. Clone this package (armstron) to the src folder of your catkin workspace

  3. In the root folder of your workspace, install dependencies:

    • rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

  4. Navigate to the armstron package folder and install a few extra non-ROS python requirements:

    • cd src/armstron/armstron

    • pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Navigate back to the workspace folder, and build your workspace (catkin_make)


Bringup the robot

  1. (Teach Pendant) Turn on the robot, get into manual mode, then load the “EXTERNAL_CONTROL.urp” program.

  2. (Host Computer) roslaunch ur_user_calibration bringup_armando.launch

  3. (Teach Pendant) Run the “EXTERNAL_CONTROL.urp” program.

Use the Armstron test server

  1. Start the test server: roslaunch armstron bringup_testing.launch

  2. Start a test by publishing a goal message to the /armstron/goal topic

roslaunch armstron run_test.launch config:="ceti_pull_test.yaml" save:="~/vinst_data/testing_launch.csv"
roslaunch armstron run_test.launch config:="ceti_force_hold.yaml" save:="~/vinst_data/testing_launch.csv"

Start the GUI

  1. Start the test server: roslaunch armstron bringup_testing.launch

  2. Start the Armstron GUI:

rosrun armstron gui.py

Useful commands for debugging

  • Show the controller manager: rosrun rqt_controller_manager rqt_controller_manager

  • Enable sending of single messages

    • rqt

    • Go to Plugins >> Topics >> Message Publisher